For all the wondrous eye-candy we've seen, the mind-numbing gameplay depth we've played, and engrossing video game storylines that rival Hollywood movies we've experienced, sometimes there's nothing like obliterating the snot out of everything onscreen. This Robotron-like mentality feeds a primal urge ¿ kill everything. Not that I'm a violence advocate; violence cannot solve all problems and when we do resort to violence, the outcome isn't what we usually want. However, if race of aliens, which have been living peacefully on your planet, had been secretly planning to eliminate the human race and has decided to launch their plans now... I don't know about you, but I'd get into my custom tank with the speed of a Mustang, the shield technology from Star Trek, the laser cannons from an X-Wing fighter, and the swarming missile system borrowed from those Robotech fighters and whoop some serious alien tail. That, in a nutshell, is what Red Dog is all about, and despite some dated, blocky visuals and simple special effects, Red Dog is an elegantly fun game with one simple goal ¿ if it moves it, blow it up with unabashed ferocity.
The title of the game comes from the ride you cruise in ¿ the Red Dog. As cited above, this vehicle of superior destruction is best described as a "moon buggy with a %@$#&$-up disposition". Armed with a powerful, rapid-laser cannon, a fast and accurate missile system, and supporting a shield defense system that would make Mr. Sulu smile, this is one bad-ass all-terrain monster that begs to be driven hard. Using this death mobile, your job is to exterminate the Haak forces that have occupied various parts of the Earth. Along the way, you'll find additional weapons and items that include explosive shells, Vulcan cannons, and powerful, sniper-like Ultra Laser. Not that this is going to be an easy ride, mind you...